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Prisoners (2015) Dir. Steven Rolfe

Club Undead (2015) Dir. Lewis Nadin

The Cream (2015) Dir. Jean-Marie Villeneuve

I'm Flying (2015) Dir. Sreekanth EG

The Last Girl (With video intro) (2015) 
Dir. Bjarke de Koning

Forever Young (2014) Dir. David Bagaric

The Truth About Romance (2013) Dir. James G Wall

A big thank you to the following director who attended this event:

Steven Rolfe


Gay You Gay Me (2015) Dir: Fay Evans
Melancholy (2015) Dir: Felix Kahbran Dones

Rebel Dykes (Preview) (2016) Dir: Sian Williams/Harri Shanahan
Kings, Queens & In-Betweens (Preview) (2016) Dir. Gabrielle Burton

(Five Sisters Productions //
Sisterhood (2015) Dir: Fred Gebhardt
Fire (2016) Dir: Freddy Rodriguez
What!? (2016) Dir: Paul Hurst
MASS (2016) Dir: Sam Hendi

Bare Romance (With director Karel Tuytschaever introduction) (2014)


Putting On The Dish (2015) Dir: Karl EcclestonBrian Fairbairn

Pepper​ (2014) Dir: Patrick Aubert (

Ticked Off Trannies With Knives (2010//18//92min) Dir: Israel Luna

A big thank you to the following director who attended this event: Faye Evans 

Start The Invasion Without Me (2016.6min) Dir. Eve Edelson
Vainilla (2015.10min) Dir. Juan Beiro
Lunch In Lima (5min) Dir. Gail Gilbert
Tracks (2013.25min) Dir. Deana williams

Painted Lady (2013.17min) Dir. Brittany A Shyne
And It Shall Not Stand (2016.37min) Dir. Nicky Miller

A Stones Through From Prison (65min) Feature documentary by Raquel Castells.
The Witch Of Wilmslow Road (2016) Dir. Emily Steele
Sui Generis (2016.5min) Dir. Dominique Baron-Bonarjee
Sista In The Brotherhood (2016.20min) Dir. Dawn Jones Redstone
Going Down? (2014.10min) Dir. Carol Capomaccio, Laura Julie Anno
Baat Cheet (2014.10min) Dir. Rayika Choudri

Bear (2015.8min) Dir. Faye Evans

Trash-O-Rama (2016.4min) Dir. Morganna Bramah
Charlie (2016.19min) Dir. Nicole Pott

Feature film: In A Year (2016.75min) Feature film directed by Nicole Pott


Many of the films playing today have been proved with great thanks

through the lovely people at

A big thank you to Kate Kaminski, Founder-Artistic Director.


A big thank you to the following directors who attended this one day festival: 

Nichole Pott, Morganna Bramah, Faye Evans and Emily Steele.


Thank you also to the wonderful people at Scalarama & Directed By Women.

11 SEPTEMBER 2016 - Scalarama: Directed By Women

25 AUGUST 2016 - Pride Film Party

24 NOVEMBER 2016

Anarchy in the UK: The New Underground Cinema (2016)

Explosive documentary examines today's rise of the UK's underground

cinema movement, involving the off the wall filmmakers. The sign of the

times created a generation gap in the film industry.

This is their story. by director Jett Hollywood



Feature film Dir. Geoff Harmer

19 OCTOBER 2016

Little Jacque - Dir. John Davide - NFTS

WAR - Dir. Nilesh Bell Gorsia - Ideastap & NFS


Juxtaposition (2015) Dir. Andrew Green
Rattle (2015) Dir. Andrew Pengilley

I Want Susie (2016) Dir. Penny Bel

Feature film: The Drift

15 DECEMBER 2016 - End Of Year Party

Bear With Me (2016) Dir. Jon Lea

Crooked Valley (2016)

Selfie (2014) 


Alan & Barry: Judgement Day (2016)

Hole (2014)

Feature film: Kenneth (73min)

12 JULY 2016 - Opening Night

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